Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I'm quite photogenic I'm told, and I have to agree. I kind of look human in this picture, don't you think? This must have been taken when I was in deep thought about something Mom said. She was talking about how the weather is getting cooler and cooler, and soon I will have to wear a sweater outside. She's not sure if she's going to buy a sweater at the store or make one for me. I've seen some of her knitted creations - I hope she chooses the store!

But I really wanted to let everyone know that on September 20th, I'm going to PugStock! I get to spend 4 hours playing with others who look just like me, and we won't have to wear leashes! I'm very excited about this! So far though only 3 other Pugs have RSVP'd, and I am so hoping to make lots of new friends. If you live near Rochester, New York, please try to attend PugStock. Read all about it at http://pugslife.org Hope to see you there!

Love and Wet Kisses,

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